Sunday, 26 February 2012


Amenorrhea is defined as the absence of menstruation for a period of time longer than 90 days. It may be normal (physiological) or be indicative of disease (pathological).

Menstruation, or period "rule" is bleeding from the vagina from the uterus, and represents the beginning of the female sexual cycle ormenstrual cycle, approximately 28 days and usually occursfrom the 10-14 years of age and lasts until menopause.
physiological amenorrhoea

The lack of menstruation is physiological when:

  • The lack of menstruation is before puberty, the first menstruationusually occurs between 10 and 14.
  • In pregnancyamenorrhea is always present.
  • In the lactation amenorrhea that occurs during lactation is ofhypothalamic-pituitary and is of variable duration. The endometriumdoes not grow or develop due to decreased production of hormones. This is because there is no maturation of ovarian follicles.
  • At menopause, that starts between 45 and 55. This is because the ovary loses functionality. Begins to occur when hormone secretionis no longer rhythmic.
Pathological amenorrhea
Due to a functional alteration of the physiology or organic female. Depending on the altered physiological stage are:

 Peripheral amenorrhea (genital tract).
 amenorrhea gonadal.
 Pituitary amenorrhea.
 amenorrhea hypothalamic.
 amenorrhea adrenal and / or thyroid.

There are many reasons for the filing of a hemorrhage after the first menstruation. Nutritional factors, tumor, stress, emotional trauma, anovulation, immaturity of the hypothalamus, etc.. are possible causes, but it is very important to go immediately to your gynecologist to prevent any complications.

By Merce y Crisi ;)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

A coral reef is a type of biotic reef that develops in tropical waters.
Solid structures of the relief of the seabed.
Today coral reefs suffer two problems: Natural and Anthropogenic (for man)
Coral reefs are suffering the effects of climate change due to human contamination.
The response of these ecosystems to climate change is known as coral bleaching.
Oil spills affect the growth and reproduction systems of coral. This impact is damaged by the substances used after a stroke, and increasing threats and can kill them.
The most impressive Coral Reef in the world: In Australia

The loss of reefs has a significant impact on the economy
especially in regard to fishing and tourism. It also impacts on health, since many of the medicines contain substances of corals.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Cies islands

Cies Islands form an archipelago in the Galician Rias. They are three islands: North or Monteagudo, Middle or South or do Faro and San Martino. The first two are joined by an artificial beach. They were declared a nature reserve in 1980 and are included in the National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia established in 2002. In February 2007 the British newspaper The Guardian chose the beach of Rhodes, on the island of Monteagudo, as "the best beach in the world."

In 1980 the Cies islands were declared a natural park because of its high natural value of this space and the rapid deterioration that was suffering from humanas.En activities July 2002 creating the National Maritime-Terrestrial Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia, formed by a group of islands, islands and islets that are the Cies, Ons, Sálvora, Noro, Vionta, Cortegada and Malveiras. The park has a terrestrial and maritime. Cies in underwater fishing is forbidden since 1992. Since 1988 the islands have the added consideration of SPAs (Special Protection Area for Birds). National parks are natural areas recently transformed by human action. In the Cies are excluded, therefore, all activities that disturb or endanger the stability of ecosystems.

Islas Cies

The scrub consists mainly of native species such as gorse, broom, asparagus, the spurge or rock rose. The forest is one that has undergone major changes, because native species have disappeared as a fig tree and others like the Pyrenean areas have been reduced to almost testimonials, to be replanted with pine and eucalyptus almost a quarter of the park area. Strong winds high in salts hinder, in turn, development of trees. In the area of ​​the lagoon is typical of marsh vegetation such as reeds.

22,000 pairs of gulls is the dominant species in Cies. There are many other species of raptors, pigeons, petrels, pelicans, doves, woodpeckers and other birds of different species of birds clases.Muchos hibernate or rest on their migrations. Rabbit, hedgehog, otter are the only wild mammals with some presence today. There are also field mice, shrews and bats, and some other species of small size and a lesser amount.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Zone diet

The Zone diet is a healthy eating style is characterized by the controlled intake ofmacronutrients and omega 3 fatty acids.

Dietary Standards
Do not let more than 5 hours between each meal. Normally eats every 3 hours.
Do not let more than 1 hour between I got up and had breakfast.
Take a snack between 30 min and 1 hour before training and immediately after.
Do not take a single meal more than 5 blocks because we would be contributing more than 35 grams of net protein at one meal and not assimilated properly.
If dinner and spend 1.5 to 2 hours before bedtime.
Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day.

The unit of measurement of the Zone Diet is the Block.
The total number of blocks results in the amount of food you need.

Each block consists of:
A mini block of carbohydrate = 9 grams of carbohydrates.
A mini block of protein = 7 grams of protein net.
A mini block of fat = 3 grams of fat.

These amounts are balanced:
40% carbohydrate.
30% protein.
30% fat.

Calculation of blocks (the formula of protein)
It is estimated lean mass (fat-free weight).
This value is multiplied by the factor of activity.
The result is divided by 7.

Example for 16 blocks:
Breakfast: 4 blocks.
1 / 2 morning: 1 block.
Food: 5 blocks.
Snack: 1 block.
Dinner: 4 blocks.
Before bed: 1 block.

Merce and Cris ;)