Friday, 23 December 2011

" AIDS "

is AIDS?

The acronym AIDS stands for: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.

AIDS is a medical condition. A person is diagnosed with AIDS when their immune system is too weak to fight infections.
Since AIDS was first identified in the early eighties, an unprecedented number of people were affected by the global AIDS epidemic. Currently, there are an estimated 33.3 million people living with HIV / AIDS.

Is it the same VIH to AIDS?

No, not the same. A person may be carrying the VIH virus, but have not yet contracted the disease of AIDS.
Carrier is called the person who, after acquiring VIH infection, no symptoms of any kind.
It is called AIDS patient who suffers from any infectious process.
A positive result does not mean that the person has developed the disease, but they carry the virus and can spread through blood or sexual secretions.
What causes AIDS?

AIDS is caused by the HIV virus.

HIV is a virus that gradually attacks immune system cells. As the HIV virus progressively damages these cells, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections, which are more difficult to combat. It is said

Can you treat AIDS?
many people think there is a cure for AIDS is not true, so there are some medicines that prolong the lives of people affected.

How is it transmitted? VIH can be transmitted from an infected person to another through the following mediums: * Blood (including menstrual blood) * Semen * Vaginal secretions * From mother to baby through breast milk.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

An old shark in Groenlandia

A photographer came to extraordinary lengths to photograph these sharks rarely seen and seems to have been carved in stone.

These incredible sharks that live in Groenlandia are called Somniosus microcefalia. They can live more than 200 years in depths up to 600 meters.

They are bigger than the famous white shark, they grow up to 7 meters. They use to eat big seals but it's also known that they also can eat polar bears and reindeers.

They live farther north than any other shark. The waters in wich they swim are too cold, near to only 1ºC.
This strange animals are more calm than other king of shark and they are so curiouos and peaceful.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Black Forest

The Black Forest is a mountain massif located in the southwest of Germany, now called the Black Forest as a natural tourist spot, where nature appears more ancient traditions.

The peaks are not very prominent, the Black Forest area is called precisely because little light penetrates the forest, all densely forested.
The Kinzig River marks the border between the northern and central Black Forest Black Forest.
One of the best known is the lakes Titisee and in winter becomes a skating rink.

The climate is purely mountain, temperatures in summer and grow something down in winter, but the differences are not relevant because the forest efficiently regulates temperature changes. Noteworthy is the excess moisture, resulting in some excessively wet summer times.
Irene Martínez & Silvia Conde

Saturday, 17 December 2011

T h e E v o l u t i o n O f T u r t l e s

In the early Triassic, about 260 millions of years ago, appeared Captorhinus, a small reptile who
was the first reptile having a shell that covered his chest, organs, and also covered his ribs.

Fifty years later, in the upper Triassic appeared another group of reptiles similar of actual turtles, call Placodontos which now are extinct without evolutionary descent.

The firsts Testudines, from which actual turtles desced, appear about 200 millions of years ago, this animals had teeth in theirs mandible which
then envolved to a horny beak.

A good example of this primitive turtles is the gender Proganochelys who had a hard bony caparace similar of the actual turtles but it´s a
natomy shows that it is unlikely that he could hide his head, legs and tail in it´s caparace. They had a horny beak like actual turtles but also they had a few teeth. These teeth are an inheritance from their ancestors.

Marine turtles didn't appear until Jurassic (150 millions of years ago) although the heavy caparace was unfavorable to the marine conditions. Later, the turtles had not theeth and was able to hide they neck into the caparace and soon, turtles distinguished in two superfamilies: Criptódiros and Pleuródiros.

In the Cretaceus the caparace became light and the marine turtles were divide in four families only acuatics.

Aquatic and terrestrial turtles envolved along the time to
today, marine species changed little since their anatomy was very advanced but the terrestrial turtles was diversified into several lines that led to thousands of species.

Friday, 16 December 2011


A geyser is a type of hot spring that ejects a column of hot and steam into the air. The name comes from the island verb also “gjósa" which means "emanate".
The activity of the geysers is caused by contact between surface water and rocks heated by magma located below the ground. The heated water returns to the heat of the earth surface by convection through porous and fractured rocks. As the geyser is full, the water becomes more shallow be cold. The cold water from the surface pressed under hot, causing the water reservoir is heat, keeping the liquid at temperatures above its boiling point. Finally, the temperature of the bottom of the geyser begins to rise reaching boiling point. The steam bubbles rise to the tip of the duct. The heat water is mixing with the overheat steam sent off violently by the column. The resulting foam between the steam and hot is expelled out of the geyser. The water from the geyser will cooling and the eruption ends. Most geysers form in places where there are volcanic rocks such as riolita, which dissolves in hot water and forms mineral deposits called clusters silíceous or geiserits. With time, these deposits strongly consolidated rock, reinforcing the walls of the channel and allowing them to persist geyser. The geysers are a phenomeno quite fragile condition and whether any changes in their environment may disappear. One of the most amazing thing is that these phenomena are that they aren't unique on Earth. In Luna, Neptune and Triton, observed that eruptions in nitrogen geysers.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Giant Squids

Architeuthis is a genus of cephalopods commonly known asgiant squid. It includes about nine species.

Considered mythical creatures, are marine animals that reachdeep immersion extraordinary dimensions, recent estimates suggest a maximum of 10 m for males and up to 14 m for females. It has been speculated about the existence of species ofmore than twenty meters long and half a ton of weight, although this has not been confirmed.
This species usually lives about 900 meters deep and also hasthe biggest brain and development of all invertebrates. Their main enemy is the sperm whale (cachalote)  that is suspected it eat 3 or 4 squids (calamares) a day. This may be the origin of the myth of the sea serpentas because the squids occasionally raise their long tentacles out of the sea surface.

Founded cases can't exceed fifteen meters and 300 kilograms in weight, as is the case of a dead specimen found on Australian beaches.

We only could find good photos over squids of 5 and 6 meters long:

By: Merce and Cris