Sunday, 18 December 2011

Black Forest

The Black Forest is a mountain massif located in the southwest of Germany, now called the Black Forest as a natural tourist spot, where nature appears more ancient traditions.

The peaks are not very prominent, the Black Forest area is called precisely because little light penetrates the forest, all densely forested.
The Kinzig River marks the border between the northern and central Black Forest Black Forest.
One of the best known is the lakes Titisee and in winter becomes a skating rink.

The climate is purely mountain, temperatures in summer and grow something down in winter, but the differences are not relevant because the forest efficiently regulates temperature changes. Noteworthy is the excess moisture, resulting in some excessively wet summer times.
Irene Martínez & Silvia Conde


RMM said...

What do you mean with: "where nature appears more ancient traditions".
Are there any traditions you can share with us?

Irene said...

One of this traditions: You can still see many women wearing their traditional costumes with hats with big red balls on the ends. These hats can weigh several kilos, the color of the balls is usually red and indicates the status of the woman who wears it.

RMM said...


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