Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Mobile phones cause cancer?

The World Health Organization said in 2011 that mobile phones cause cancer. There are levels of carcinogens, and the phones have a level 2B carcinogen. Group 2B substances are considered as "possibly carcinogenic". This doesn't mean that it's an emergency call, but it's a possibility (can cause cancer as well as cann't). The degree of threat is too low to consider them a danger or a concern. For example coffee and pickled cucumber also has a level 2B.
There isn't scientific evidence which prove that exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones are due to cancer. But it's not healthy to accumulate hours with mobile.
I think that we should not stop using mobile phones because there are many things that makes us the same damage. But it doesn't mean that you can abuse of cell phones.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


El SIDA (acrónimo de síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida), es una enfermedad que afecta a las personas que han sido infectadas por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Se dice que alguien padece de sida cuando su organismo, debido a la inmunodeficiencia provocada por el VIH, no es capaz de ofrecer una respuesta inmune adecuada contra las infecciones.

Current knowledge of the disease:

The HIV is related to other viruses that cause AIDS-like disease. It is believed that this virus was transferred from animals to humans in the early twentieth century. There are two different viruses causing AIDS in humans, HIV-1 and HIV-2. The first reservoir species are chimpanzees, whose virus itself, the SIVcpz, is derived. HIV-2 derived from the SIVsm, typical of a species of monkey in West Africa. In both cases the interspecies transmission has occurred several times, but the current pandemic is extension of the group M HIV-1, as estimated from an infection in Central Africa, where the virus expresses the maximum diversity in the first half of the twentieth century.The current pandemic began in Central Africa, but went unnoticed until it began to affect people in rich countries, where AIDS immunosuppression could not be easily confused with impoverishment due to other causes, especially for medical systems and disease control well resourced. The earliest human sample known to contain HIV was taken in 1959 to a British sailor who apparently contracted it in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. Other samples containing the virus were found in an American man who died in 1969 and in 1976 a Norwegian sailor. It is believed that the virus was infected through sexual activity, possibly through prostitutes in urban areas of Africa. As the first infected traveled the world, were carrying the disease to several cities on different continents.Currently, the most common way that HIV is transmitted is through unprotected sexual activity and needle sharing among injecting drug users. The virus can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to her child (vertical transmission). In the past also spread AIDS through blood transfusions and the use of derived products for the treatment of hemophilia or sharing of unsterilized medical equipment, but now this happens very rarely, except the ultimate in poor regions, because the checks on these products.Not all patients infected with HIV have AIDS. The criterion for diagnosing AIDS can vary from region to region, but the diagnosis typically requires:An absolute count of CD4 T cells below 200 per cubic millimeter, orThe presence of any of the typical opportunistic infections, caused by agents unable to cause disease in healthy people.The person infected with HIV is called 'HIV positive' or 'HIV positive' (HIV +) and uninfected are called "seronegative" or "HIV negative" (HIV-). Most people with HIV do not know they are.The primary HIV infection is called "seroconversion" and may be accompanied by a series of nonspecific symptoms like the flu, for example, fever, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. At this stage the transmitter is more infected than any other stage of the disease, since the amount of virus in your body is higher than achieved. This is because not yet fully developed immune response of the host. Not all newly infected with HIV suffer from these symptoms and eventually all individuals become asymptomatic.

Countirs affected by the AIDS.

By Pedro and Martin.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

"A Foz"

Wetland at the mouth of rivers Miñor Groba and Belesarprotected from offshore winds through the sand of the beach Ladeira(Baiona). Area of ​​great ecological interest because of the concentration of colonies of marine birds, especially in winter.
The wetland A Foz is also a source of shellfish and is a beautiful landscape that can be observed thanks to the boardwalksthat run through: the beach of Ladeira (Baiona), the trails of Monte Lourido, and  A Ramallosa. 

Climate: Athlantic
Surface: 92 Ha

With the tide this place is like a lake, sheltered from prevailing winds. This area is habitat of aquatic mammals and birds such as herons, ducks and various gulls, some residents and others migratory.
Declared site of Community Importance (SCI) and area of Natura2000. 
Its water is salty or sweet depending on the tides. At low tide almosteverything is dry. 

On October 31, 2007 opened the first observatory of nature around the city of Baiona. It is located in a pink house in Sabarís. It is the first bird observatory closed city in Galiciahas large windows to spot every day of the marsh wildlife: hawks, gulls, herons, cormorants, mazaricos, sandpipers and a total of 90 varieties of bird species . 

By: Merce & Crisi ;)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

An old shark in Groenlandia

A photographer came to extraordinary lengths to photograph these sharks rarely seen and seems to have been carved in stone.

These incredible sharks that live in Groenlandia are called Somniosus microcefalia. They can live more than 200 years in depths up to 600 meters.

They are bigger than the famous white shark, they grow up to 7 meters. They use to eat big seals but it's also known that they also can eat polar bears and reindeers.

They live farther north than any other shark. The waters in wich they swim are too cold, near to only 1ºC.
This strange animals are more calm than other king of shark and they are so curiouos and peaceful.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Liger (By Marcos and Alex)

This post is dedicated to a extrange and unusual creature, the Liger

The liger is the product of the hibridation of a female tiger with a male lion, but is very different, and have strange caracteristics:

The liger is very bigger than the other felins, present the aspect of a lion with tiger stripes and lion mane.

The liger can size 4 meters and weight 500 kilograms, this is because the growth inhibitory gene is transmitted maternally in lions and tigers paternal, so the liger does not inherit any genes of this type and grows throughout life, reaching incredible size.

The liger is in the most of cases steril, but sometimes a liger can reproduce with another lion or tiger creating a le-liger or a ti-liger

This is the oposite case of the Tigon, borned by a cross o female lion and male tiger, who is more stilished and small and less usual because people hunt them with more facility.

Human influence
is precisely responsible for the existence of ligers. Tigers and lions generally do not share territories, so that would be unlikely to meet to form this strange intersection. Currently lions and tigers coexist in nature only in the Gir Forest in India.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012



Bulimia, eating disorder caused by an excessive preoccupation with body weight and physical appearance.
This disease occurs more in women than in men, and they usually do in adolescence and lasts for many more years.
People suffering from Bulimia, have low self-esteem and feel guilty about eating too much, often induced vomiting, laxatives ingested because of this, show abruptoscillations in body weight.
The conduct is observed in patients with nervous anorexia or people who carry out exaggerated dieting, but it doesn’t produce excessive weight loss.


Anorexia, loss of appetite, to have a rapid weight loss through the restriction of food intake, especially high caloric value.
People with anorexia have a distorted image of his bodies (feel fat, even when they have a state of extreme thinness.).
Nervous anorexia is a serious deterioration of eating behavior characterized by a refusal to maintain body weight in the normal minimum
Usually weight loss is achieved by a reduction in total food intake. While anorexics begin by excluding from your diet all foods high in calories, most recently with a very restricted diet, limited to a few foods, often accompanied by excessive exercise.

Carla and Raquel.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Brain (By Marcos and Alex)

The brain is the main organ of the nervous system, and the organ who difference us more, from the rest of the animals of the planet.

The brain is the organ that is responsible for the sense, thought, memory and body control. The human brain is a relatively small, weighing about 1.5 kilograms and takes about 2 percent of body weight. It is surrounded by a skull for a physical protection.
And it is formed by 30.000 millions of neurons formed a grey-pink tissue.

  • The brain is divided into two hemispheres (left and right), each consisting of four lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal). The outer layer of the brain called the cerebral cortex or "gray matter". It covers the deep nuclei located in the cerebral hemisphere called "white matter".

  • Cerebellum: responsible for psychomotor function, the cerebellum coordinates the inner ear sensory input and muscle for adequate control of the position and movement.

  • Brainstem: at the base of the brain, forms the link between the cerebral cortex, white matter and spinal cord. Involved in the control of breathing, sleep and circulation.

  • Thalamus and hypothalamus: The thalamus has a wide range of connections with the cortex and many other parts of the brain, as the basal ganglia, hypothalamus and brain stem. You can feel the pain but does not locate precisely. The hypothalamus has several important functions, including appetite control, sleep patterns, sexual behavior and response to anxiety.´

  • Basal ganglia:The caudate nucleus, putamen and globus pallidus and basal ganglia are involved in controlling movement. These highly specialized groups of cells / nuclei are located in the white matter behind the cerebral cortex.

The brain is billateral, have two parts exactly alike, but the left part controlls the right part of the body or vice versa.

The first the first indication of the existence of the first brains was in the Cambrian explosion, from this, the brains evolved a lot, and we still fight for complain it.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Palm oil

 It is a vegetable oil. We can obtained from the mesocarp. It's the kind of oil with a higher volume of production. The crude palm oil is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin E. The  palm oil started to produce  to West Africa, it already got 5,000 years ago oil, today the most important place to produce palm oil is Malasia. it is often used as frying oil or dressing, as well as added other food products as ice cream, margarine, can be made equivalent derivatives of cocoa oil, soaps, etc.. ( we eat this product alot)
Also It is used for biodiesel production.
·Palm oil is saturated up to 50%, its composition is: 
-40-48% saturated fatty acids.
-37-46% fatty acids monoinstaurados.
-10% polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Due to its high proportion of saturated fat, negative properties are attributed to human health as  consumption can raise cholesterol 

Friday, 2 March 2012


Cancer is a group of diseases in which the body produces an excess of malignant cells (known as carcinogens or cancer), with growth and division beyond the normal limits.
Normal cells at the contact with neighboring cells inhibit reproduction, but the malignant cellsdo not have this brake. Most cancers form tumors but some, like leukemia.
Cancer can affect all ages, even fetuses, but risk increases the more common with age.Cancer causes about 13% of all deat

There are over 100 different types of cancer. Most cancers take the name of the organ orcells where they start.
The types of cancer can be grouped into larger categories. The main categories of cancer are:
  • Carcinoma: Cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs.
  • Sarcoma: Cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels or otherconnective or supportive tissue.
  • Leukemia: Cancer that begins in the tissue in which blood is formed, such as bone marrow,and causes them to produce large numbers of abnormal blood cells that enter the blood.
  • Lymphoma and myeloma: cancers that begin in cells of the immune system.
  • Central nervous system cancers: cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinalcord.
Treatments for cancer:
Cancer treatment varies depending on age, health, type and stage of cancer. Today, medicinehas different procedures to try to heal this process.
  • Surgical procedures: vary depending on where the cancer is located and how advanced the disease is.
  • Radiation-radiation: this treatment is to apply X-ray
  • Chemotherapy is a treatment that is to provide a drug that kills cancer cells. This medicine may be used in various stages of treatment: after a surgical procedure to control the growth of atumor, or to relieve some symptoms related to cancer.
Irene and Silvia