Monday, 12 March 2012

Liger (By Marcos and Alex)

This post is dedicated to a extrange and unusual creature, the Liger

The liger is the product of the hibridation of a female tiger with a male lion, but is very different, and have strange caracteristics:

The liger is very bigger than the other felins, present the aspect of a lion with tiger stripes and lion mane.

The liger can size 4 meters and weight 500 kilograms, this is because the growth inhibitory gene is transmitted maternally in lions and tigers paternal, so the liger does not inherit any genes of this type and grows throughout life, reaching incredible size.

The liger is in the most of cases steril, but sometimes a liger can reproduce with another lion or tiger creating a le-liger or a ti-liger

This is the oposite case of the Tigon, borned by a cross o female lion and male tiger, who is more stilished and small and less usual because people hunt them with more facility.

Human influence
is precisely responsible for the existence of ligers. Tigers and lions generally do not share territories, so that would be unlikely to meet to form this strange intersection. Currently lions and tigers coexist in nature only in the Gir Forest in India.

1 comment:

RMM said...

What is the purpose of mixing up these two different species? Is it just scientific knowledge?

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