Wednesday 21 March 2012

"A Foz"

Wetland at the mouth of rivers Miñor Groba and Belesarprotected from offshore winds through the sand of the beach Ladeira(Baiona). Area of ​​great ecological interest because of the concentration of colonies of marine birds, especially in winter.
The wetland A Foz is also a source of shellfish and is a beautiful landscape that can be observed thanks to the boardwalksthat run through: the beach of Ladeira (Baiona), the trails of Monte Lourido, and  A Ramallosa. 

Climate: Athlantic
Surface: 92 Ha

With the tide this place is like a lake, sheltered from prevailing winds. This area is habitat of aquatic mammals and birds such as herons, ducks and various gulls, some residents and others migratory.
Declared site of Community Importance (SCI) and area of Natura2000. 
Its water is salty or sweet depending on the tides. At low tide almosteverything is dry. 

On October 31, 2007 opened the first observatory of nature around the city of Baiona. It is located in a pink house in Sabarís. It is the first bird observatory closed city in Galiciahas large windows to spot every day of the marsh wildlife: hawks, gulls, herons, cormorants, mazaricos, sandpipers and a total of 90 varieties of bird species . 

By: Merce & Crisi ;)

1 comment:

RMM said...

Have you been there watching birds?

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