Tuesday 12 June 2012

Neurons. Are they able to regenerate?

Neurons are a kind of nervous cell system. 
They are specialized in the reception of stimulus and nerve impulse conduction.
Have been discovered that neurons are able to grow in an adult brain, allowing the replacement of damaged neurons, this opens new possibilities for curing diseases like Parkinson's, paralysis and Evil Alzhehimer.

Previously it was believed that neurons, once they reach maturity, they did not return to unfold.  

However, this research has found that neurons in the adult brain continue to remodel and growing all life, which will explore the mechanisms of this continued growth and learning to stimulate and guide for medical purposes.  

Has also been found that the more neurons are used, dendrites affected grow more.

Visión piramidal de una neurona de un cerebro de ratón vivo. Photo / Wei-Chung Lee, Nedivi Lab.

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