Biodiversity mean is the variety of livings things and it includes:
-Variety of species: species are groups of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups. For example: ducks, dogs, parrots, etc.
-Genetic variety: They are the same species, but they are not the same because their genes are diferent, and they are diferents. For example: Caniche, dalmatas, are dogs.
-Variety of ecosistems: Are all lands scapes , tropicals land scape, mediterranean land scape, rain forest, etc. Each one is different, with its own set of species living in it.
We don't know how many apecies are in the world but we think 15-30 millions. In this moment the earth have got 20,000 species in extinction.
Threats to biodiversity:
Habitat destruction, pollution, species introducctions, explotation, global climate change, changes on land usses.
Ecosystem means is a combination of a physical conditions or enviroment and the organisms living there.The ecosystem services are:
-Provisionning services (food, freshwater, wood fuel, timber, fibre, medicines..)
-Regulating services (climate regulation, flood regulation, erosion control, storm protection...)
-Cultural services
I forget put my name! I'm Andrea
Hi Andrea,
Is it true that 20,000 species are in danger of extinction? Any specific continent is mainly affected? Are they animals or plants?
In total, counting all living beings on the planet is 20,000 million expecies in extinction. They are spread across all continents.
Ok, thanks
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