Saturday, 5 November 2011

Purify water in just 48 seconds?

There is a new rechargable device that can purify half a litter twice in 48 seconds. It's called 'SteriPen Freedom'. This is rechargeable via USB and allows light through a germicidal kill more than 99.9 percent of bacteria, viruses and protozoans as Giardia that can hold the HO2.
This device, as its name says, liberates to anyone travelling to carry water bottles and a caution that often rises when you have to drink water in places that you don't know.
It is small and easy to carry without taking up much, it also combines all this with the care of the environment because you can recharge via a micro USB port to recharge through a computer, an AC outlet or a solar charger compatible.

The green light used by the device provides 8000 treatments in half liter of water and has a "easy" running.
First, should remove cover of the lamp, sink it in water and remove the 'SteriPen Freedom' for 48 seconds, the user will know when it is safe to drink it.
By: Marta Iglesias


RMM said...

Hi Marta,
Where have you found this device? It sounds like the adverts on some TV channels. Have you already tried it? Can we buy it in any shop? Why is Giardia so important?
Curious post!!!!

Marta said...

Well if you're asking me if i found it in a TV channel no, i didn't. I know a internet page where there's curious infortaion about lots of things and news.
I haven't tried it but it's curious and if it really works like it says, it would be fatastic, for example for Santiago's pilgrims.
You can find lot of information here:
Giardia can infect us, or may be not, but if it afects us it has an incuvation of 1-3 weeks. It produces "diarrea", abdominal pain and anorexy.

RMM said...

Very well Marta and thanks for the address, I'll take a look!!

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