Friday, 18 November 2011


The brain of the flies works faster than the best of today's computers. It showed a group of scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Germany.  The brain of this insects can process several visually movements in a fraction of a second. A sixth part of a cubic millimeter of flies brain has more than 100,000 neurons, each with a lot of connections with other cells.Usually measures the electrical activity of individual neurons with the help of extremely fine electrodes. But in this case, flies are too small neurons to measure it.There are a particular nerve cells, called L2 cells that receive information from the photoreceptors of the eyes and respond according to increase or decrease the intensity of the light. Based on this "simple" light stimulus, flies are able to calculate in milliseconds which is the direction of movement that occurs around and quickly send of flight control system, to escape at full speed if there a threat near. To examine how the brains of fruit flies process movement, the scientits presented the insects with moving stripe patterns on a light-diode screen.The neurons in the brains of flies are activated in these impulses, causing luminescence would change the indicator molecules.Now we know why it is so difficult to catch the flies.


RMM said...

Do they use this capacity only to survive/escape from dangers or do they use it to make other tasks?

Paula López said...

No, they don't. Flies use their brain to live in all ways.
Studies show that fruit flies have memory

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